Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
General information
- Heatso Coupons and Discount Codes
- How do I know if is a reliable online store?
- Which heater should I choose for my van?
- Which heater should I choose for my boat?
- What is the difference between a sprinter kit and a regular kit?
- What does the name of the Espar / Eberspächer heater model mean?
- Do I need a high altitude kit?
- Do I need a mounting bracket?
- Which controller should I choose?
- Where do you deliver?
- What are your shipping times?
- How can I receive my shipment faster as a company?
- How much will the shipping cost me?
- My order has not arrived yet - what can I do?
- Can I return the ordered item?
- What tools do I need to install an Espar / Eberspächer heater?
- Do your kits include all the necessary parts to install the heater?
- Where can I find the heater’s installation instructions?
- Where can I find the Espar / Eberspächer wiring diagrams?
- Should I install the heater myself?
Maintenance & Repairs
- Do your heaters come with a warranty?
- Do Eberspacher heaters require servicing?
- Can I service the heater myself?
- Can you service the heater for me?
- Where can I find part numbers?
- Do you offer heater repair services?
- What are the fault codes for Espar / Eberspächer D2 & D4 heaters?
- What are the fault codes for Espar / Eberspächer S2 & M2 heaters?